Friday, March 21, 2014

The Slippery Slope

Well, we are on the other side of spring break and it's time for that quick trip to summer vacation.  Every year in August I tell the eighth graders how quickly their year will pass, and they laugh and say, No, Miss, school takes forever.  And then it's suddenly winter break, then spring break, then graduation.  This past week has zoomed by, and everyone I've asked has agreed.  Funny.

So to prepare myself for my overseas experience, I'm going to write about a typical day in my life here in Florida.  Some of the more infomative posts I've read from others have taken this kind of format, so it's worth it to practice.  Here's yesterday:

Woke up to my iPhone alarm at 5:20 am yesterday.  After taking a shower, getting dressed and doing my hair, I woke up my husband so he could start getting ready as well.  While I get ready, he is snuggling our three and a half month old so she'll stay asleep and not want to nurse till I'm ready for her. 

I then make sure my 17 year old is up and getting ready, and wake up my 14 year old for school.  The baby and I head downstairs, where I pop a bagel in the toaster, pour a large Tervis tumbler of iced tea (heavy on the ice), take the four 3 oz bottles from the fridge and put them in the insulated pocket of the diaper bag, and go back to butter the toasted bagel.  Then the baby and I head for the living room, where I change her diaper, get her dressed, and nurse her on one side while pumping on the other, while eating my breakfast and watching the Fox 13 news (love those guys). 

When the baby's done and I've pumped about 3 oz, we stop to burp and she and I have a little fun time.  Her favorite activity right now is being held and talked to, and she loves talking back to me and smiling. It really puts me in a great mood before I have to leave her for the day, because I know that she's a happy girl who just loves interaction, and she definitely gets that with her babysitter.  At this point it's about 6:15 or so, and my son is usually puttering around getting his lunch ready and remembering one last item he's forgotten for school.  His father picks him up around 6:35, so sometimes he has time to visit with me and the baby before leaving.  My 14 year old comes down to put her stuff for the next two days in her father's car, and comes back to hang out and watch a little more news. 

When the clock hits 6:50, it's time to start moving again.  The diaper bag is rechecked, school bags checked, and the pump and pieces are washed from the morning and put into the cooler bag for school.  I strap the baby in her bouncy seat, where she will entertain herself for a few minutes, head upstairs to kiss the hubs goodbye and head out to school with the 14 year old. 

After navigating some of the worst traffic and construction in our part of the suburbs, I drop off the 14 year old and make it to my school around 7:30.  I park the car, grab all my gear, and run upstairs to take notes on the middle school meeting we hold each Thursday.  Once the meeting's over, I run three doors down the hallway to get my classroom open and the morning show set up on my computer for homeroom, which starts at 8 am. 

Getting through the day is pretty routine.  I do have a pumping break from 10:50-11:10, where I pump in the nurse's office. All my main classes are before lunch at 1:10, so it helps the day go quickly.  After lunch, I pump during my planning period in my classroom, and then we have only the book club elective to go. 

Car line happens after seventh period, and it basically entails teachers supervising students on the outside sidewalk of the school while the parents line up to pick up the students.  We use a walkie-talkie system to announce who is getting picked up, so it usually goes pretty fast.  Since it's Thursday, I have intramural football after school.  I love coaching, especially football, so this is a fun hour for me.  We have our first "game" against the other team, and it ends in a tie.  Good!

I jump in my car and drive to the babysitter's house to pick up the baby.  Since I'm about half an hour later than usual because of football, she's asleep!  She wakes up quickly when she sees me, however, so I get my big smile from her :)

We stop at the Publix on the way home to get a few supplies for dinner (we are having breakfast for dinner, one of my favorites) and then meet Daddy at home.  After another nurse/pumping session on the couch, I fix dinner while the baby and Daddy spend time together.  Dinner usually gets eaten at the coffee table in the living room, but it tastes fantastic anyway.  By the time dinner's over, it's almost 8 pm.  We watch Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay, I do the dishes, fill bottles for the next day, and do a load of diapers while watching the show.  The baby has fallen asleep by this point, so around 9:15 I head upstairs with her.  My husband comes up shortly afterward, puts on a movie, and we all fall asleep by 10 pm. Exciting life! 

And just writing all this down has made me exhausted, but it's an eye opener for me! 

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